ABN Insurance Module [ABN_Ins]
Please review with these considerations in mind:
- sometimes reference to ‘ABN’ form, sometimes ‘Medicare ABN’ form. Are they the same, which reference do you want to consistently use?
- is there an ABN screen? is that referred to as the ABN form?
- there is a ‘Medicare ABN’ report, also just an ‘ABN’ report?
- >>> want to clean up use of the words ‘screen’, ‘form’ and ‘report’ <<<
- Think a ‘report’ is an informational collection of data
- Think ‘form’ is like a form someone might also be able to fill in/out by hand or printout of a standard form, like the ABN form
- Think ‘screen’ is a data entry/edit screen, search screen, etc.
Permission |
Description |
abnprint |
Display and enable the ABN button on the orders screen. Allows user to print ABN [form?]. |
episodeabninvisible |
Remove the episode ABN drop-down on the episode screen. |
abnnocharge |
Turn off the charges field on the ABN screen so no charges can print. |
abnuseacc |
Use the accession value instead of the insurance policy number on the Medicare ABN form. |
evalinstest |
Turn on evaluation of each test ordered in an order session for inclusion/exclusion from the order using the rules in the fo_Ins_Tests table. |
insordrestrict |
Enable insurance-based test restriction rules during order entry. System will execute this rule when a test is ordered. |
removeabnlogo |
Remove the logo image from the Medicare ABN form. |
removeabnlabtitle |
Remove the title field on the Medicare ABN report header. |
removeabnadd1 |
Remove the first address field from the Medicare ABN form. |
removeabnadd2 |
Remove the second address field from the Medicare ABN form. |
removeabnadd3 |
Remove the third address field from the Medicare ABN form. |
removeabnadd4 |
Remove the fourth address field from the Medicare ABN form. |
abnusemrn |
Use Patient MRN to fill the ID field on the ABN form. |
abnhtext1 |
Add a text message in the H section of the ABN warning the patient to call their doctor if they pick option 3. |
abn2space |
Add a second space after each test name in an ABN form D section following the comma. |
afrlogicon |
Turn on logic of AFR form assignment on the order screen. AFR forms can be printed using the ABN button on the order screen. AFR logic applies to insurance bill to. |
afruseptbillto |
Assign requirement to print an AFR form if the 'bill to' is patient. System will require user to print a form if it was not printed before. Requires permission afrlogicon. |
abnuseacct |
Use the account number instead of the policy number on the ABN form, if user prints an ABN from the order screen and an account number exists. |
abnUsereqid |
Use the Req ID field value from the order screen for the ABN form ID field if available. |
abnmulttypefreq |
Allow both diagnosis and frequency failures on a single test when frequency ABN rules are applied. |
warninvalidinsinfo |
Warn user if any insurance codes are not present in the fo_ins table on the demographics screen when the SAVE button is clicked. After warning, user not allowed to save the patient information. |
allowstoreinvalidins |
Allow saving of an invalid insurance code, a code not found in the fo_ins table, on the patient demographics screen when the SAVE button is clicked. |
insaddressinvisible |
Remove insurance address field from the patient demographic screen. |
bypassabnrequire |
Bypass user requirement to print an ABN form when an ABN failure in the order task list. User may exit the order. |
abndefaultno |
Default an NS condition on ABN signature if a test fails an ABN check on the order screen. |
abnusemultpage |
Format ABN forms as a two-page format where the second page is a limited addendum to the first. Option information will only appear on the first page. |
abnnototcharge |
Removes the total line summarizing the total cost from the Medicare ABN form. |
abndtnocolldef |
Remove the ABN date default when user enters or changes the collection date/time. |
abndaterequired |
Make the ABN Date a mandatory/required field on the order screen. |